Intel Notes Page - 11/10/2021
This update can be downloaded via a Word Doc format from this link: https://dinarchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Restored-Republic-via-a-GCR-11-10-2021.docx or via the site https://dinarchronicles.com/2021/11/10/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-november-10-2021/
Quote from the end of Update:
Judy Note: "I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society."
The below "was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid."
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 10 Nov. 2021
Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”
“The last day is here! Dark to Light. Blackout Necessary. The countdown has started. It’s all part of the show, a show that will leave everyone speechless. Today is the last day - After this a lot of things will change. Prepare backups. Archive everything.”
… John F. Kennedy Jr.
Tues. 9 Nov. (11/9 the mirror of 9/11) was when General Flynn posted a video on Rumble, ‘We’re Not Going To Take It’
Thurs. 11 Nov. (11/11) is Veterans Day.
“I want to start with the good news. The United States right now today is under White Hat Martial Law. On the 19th of January 2021 then President Trump, POTUS 45, turned control
of the United States of America over to the Military White Hats and we’re currently being controlled in that manner. I don’t know which actor is playing Biden, but they’re doing a better job than he ever could. Our country is going to be saved in a window, I believe, 28 October to 11 November of this year, 2021.”…Field McConnell
“When you live in the dark for a long time, these mornings feel like night. But guess what? The light is coming!” …Denzel Washington
Save the Children (Warning: Graphic): https://www.youtube.com/watch
“Isn’t life getting more interesting by the minute? We now know that our whole life has been a lie in every direction. Putting the pieces back together and coming into our greatness feels good. My grandma used to say, “Bonni, don’t ever hide your light under a bushel basket. Let it shine, shine, shine. We are doing that. Feels good.” …Bonni
God Bless America & Patriotic Music - The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square - Bing video
Judy Note:
The Global Currency Reset of 209 nations’ currencies will give citizen tax payer dollars back to The People of the globe, while power was taken away from the evil Cabal.
In order to participate in the GCR a country had to be free of dictatorship and not be at war with other nations. All currencies of the world would be gold/asset-backed and trade at an equal 1:1 with each other.
The Chinese Communist Party was the driving force behind the Cabal, along with the British Crown, Vatican, plus Democratic and Republican leaders of US Inc. While Trump was destroying the Cabal’s US Inc. Federal Reserve and IRS, Chinese President Xi was working with the Alliance to rid his country of the CCP.
Completion of the GCR would see the US and other Alliance nations revert back to principles of the original Constitution. The US government would be 10% of it’s present size as independent states, and thus The People, gained back their power. Some states have joined this new Republic, others have not yet decided, while the Kingdom of Hawaii has declared Sovereignty.
Citizens of the globe could benefit from the GCR by buying foreign currencies that would revalue at a higher rate when the GCR was released. The most common were the Iraqi Dinar (no longer available to buy at it’s lower rate), Vietnamese Dong and several others. The Zimbabwe Zim Bond could also be redeemed for profit – with the majority of Zim proceeds used for humanitarian programs across the globe.
Currencies and Zim would only be available at their lower rates until Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) was notified that we could set our exchange/redemption appointments at specially set up Redemption Centers – which was expected at any time.
WARNING: Only buy foreign currencies and the Zim bond from legitimate dealers and keep an eye out for forgeries.
A.What We Think We Know as of Tues. 9 Nov. 2021:
We were subject to disinformation from both the Cabal’s and Alliance’s Chess Game – all of which needed your own discernment and to be taken with a grain of salt.
Release of the Global Currency Reset (GCR) was Event driven.
It was very unlikely that the GCR would be released before the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) took over the Mass Media and the Military admitted we were under Martial Law – as we had been since 19 Jan. 2021.
There were 27 countries that had their asset-backed currencies now trading on the international market, including the Iraqi Dinar.
Three lead banks have said Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would go right after the Bond Holders, but would not have to wait for all Bonds to be paid out.
Tier 4B should be underway before Veterans Day Thurs. 11 Nov.
The EBS could be released on Wed. 10 Nov.
These next few weeks would be filled with massive disclosures that could easily activate that EBS, so brace yourself and have 2-3 weeks of food and necessities on hand.
B. Intel
MarkZ: I have reports from very credible folks saying that a lot of German Bonds were paid out on Mon. 8 Nov; some CMKX folks received spendable money on that same Mon. 8 Nov, as did the bond payouts continue; Iraq did “tests” of the Dinar lower denominations in ATMs in key areas, plus major meetings were going on across the glove to decide the final timing of the GCR release.
Judy: A very credible source in Tier 3 has been notified that they would receive liquid funds on Thurs. 11 Nov. Yellow Dragon Bonds were being paid out this week.
Bruce: Three lead banks have said Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would go right after the Bond Holders, but would not have to wait for all Bonds to be paid out. Tier 4B should be underway before Veterans Day Thurs. 11 Nov. The EBS could be released Wed. 10 Nov.
C. A GCR Release Schedule has been published which could, or could not be accurate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zRGlClb5fQ
Tier 1: Sunday Midnight 7 Nov. 2021
Tier 2: Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021
Tier 3: Sat. 13 Nov. 2021
Tier 4: Wed. 24 Nov. 2021
D. Tues. 9 Nov. 2021 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 712-770-4016 pin123456#
As of Sun. evening 7 Nov. the Iraqi Dinar and 27 other asset-backed currencies were now trading on the international market.
They have paid out on various bonds but have not yet paid out on Zimbabwe Sheet bonds, though may do so on Wed. 9 Nov.
CMKX payments have been slowed because of finding “bad apples” and having to stop the process.
Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would go right after the Bond Holders, but would not have to wait for all Bonds to be paid out.
Tier 4B should be underway before Veterans Day Thurs. 11 Nov.
There will be two 800 numbers, one for currency holders and one for Zim holders.
E. Open Letter to US Special Forces: https://degraw.substack.com/p/open-letter-to-us-special-forces Operators, Brothers and Sisters,
As you know, our country is under attack and the unconventional warfare tactics being executed against us have escalated to a breaking point. As we have made clear in our previous statements and videos, we know that the proven ineffective and harmful mRNA nanotech injection mandate is the greatest failure of military leadership in United States history, at best. At worst, it is the most treasonous and devastating attack against the U.S. military and American people ever.
To be 100 percent clear, from this point forward, anyone who continues to be involved in enforcing this unscientific, unconstitutional and fascist mandate will be held personally accountable for treason and Crimes Against Humanity. The Supreme Court has made it very clear that it is up to the individual to know which orders and laws are unconstitutional and unlawful.
All of us have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States. Therefore, if you are still complying, you are now derelict in your duties. Incompetence can no longer be a legitimate excuse.
If you serve in Special Forces, SOCOM or the Intel Community and you are still somehow unsure about what is happening, please contact us and we will brief you on a mountain of evidence proving systemic Crimes Against Humanity that have already resulted in over 500,000 unnecessary American deaths and well over a million people suffering serious health issues.
Over 12,000 doctors and scientists have now officially signed an evidence-based Physicians Declaration accusing COVID policy-makers of “Crimes Against Humanity.”
The imminent approval of proven harmful immune system degrading mRNA nanotech injections for OUR CHILDREN is a red line that we will not allow to be crossed, by any means necessary.
This must stop now.
F. Meanwhile, Behind the Scenes:
Much is happening behind the scenes, (Q, The Storm Rider): Panic has begun in the Deep State in all countries and they will play their final moves. The news is the war and is real. Since the demise of U.S. military in Afghanistan the world heroin trafficking in the streets across the world have been in ruins and chaos. The hardest part of the Plan was happening now: Panic, Pain, Collapse, Fear, confusion, misinformation, information wars, lost hope, deaths, suicides.
Biden, Harris, General Milley Charged with Treason, Mon. 10 May 2021: Biden, Harris, Milley Charged With Treason, Tribunals at White House, Mass Arrests, Martial Law | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
Navy Seals Rescue 200 children, 12 Deceased from West Coast Cargo Ship, Nov. 2021: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/navy-seals-raid-cargo-ship-full-of-smuggled-children/
Military Arrests Newsom: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/military-arrests-bedridden-gavin-newsom/
Child Porn, Worse, Found in Newsome Mansion: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/child-porn-dungeon-found-in-newsoms-basement/
Military Executes Cuomo: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/military-executes-andrew-cuomo/
Military Hangs Chelsea Clinton: https://realrawnews.com/2021/11/chelsea-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/
Military Hangs Hillary: https://realrawnews.com/2021/04/hillary-clinton-hanged-at-gitmo/
Marine Corps Rebukes Pelosi: https://realrawnews.com/2021/01/marine-corps-rebukes-pelosi-we-dont-work-for-you/
G. Food, Goods, Fuel Shortages.
ABC57News: "Rising food prices affecting local food pantry. Rising prices and supply chain issues hurting people who need the most help this time of year."
White House Responds to Reports That Biden is Considering Shutting Down Another Pipeline: https://resistthemainstream.org/white-house-responds-to-reports-that-biden-is-considering-shutting-down-another-pipeline/
Companies will be shutdown under the weight of their own corruption. (Whiplash347).
Supply Chain Crisis Trucking Along: trailers and shipping costs see record-breaking price hikes. Truck trailer prices leapt over 6.6% in October compared to the month earlier, signaling the largest-ever monthly gain in Labor Dept. PPI records. Prices for trailers are up nearly 20% since last year - creating yet another headache for transport companies.The supply chain crisis has not just seen a shortage of drivers, but general costs are soaring too.
H. Global Financial Collapse:
Attention Fellow Patriots: It's Happening! USA Financial System Collapse Is Imminent! History will be repeated, only this time it will be 10x worse. Donald Trump is right! Unemployment rate is actually much closer to an astonishing 40%. Now, inflation rates are calculated WITHOUT including food and gas - the two largest areas of all in our economy. The real inflation rate today, including gas and food, is actually much closer to a sky-high... 12%. This video will show you how to prepare for the coming financial system collapse. https://bit.ly/takeoverusanow
Fresh Evergrande warning as Chinese property giant owing $400 billion misses its FOURTH deadline to pay off debts - and it's terrible news for Australia. Australia's most powerful bankers have conceded Chinese property giant Evergrande won't be able to meet debt payment. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10180155/Why-Australia-worried-collapse-Chinese-property-giant-Evergrande.html
I. 2020 Election Fraud:
Georgia Can't Produce Over 17k 2020 Election Ballot Images Required By Law, More Than Margin Of Error In Biden 'Win' https://www.georgiarecord.com/breaking-georgia-cant-produce-over-17k-2020-election-ballot-images-required-by-law-more-than-margin-of-error-in-biden-win/
J. Covid/Vax Hoax:
German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries. The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings. The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”
32,000 nurses and healthcare workers will walk out on November 15. Perhaps 10,000 more EXPECTED.
Canadian Ethics Prof Straight talk on Handling of Covid by Canadian Govt https://www.bitchute.com/video/J4FacETTkdnS/
K. The Alliance is keenly aware and extremely sensitive to:
• Every child mutilated & murdered
• Every soldier killed in service to freeing humanity
• Every innocent patriot who has died for no reason other than standing up for their basic human rights...
All the aforementioned are inevitably & indelibly enshrined in the hearts of human history forever. The price paid has been extremely expensive, but worth it for future generations. All well be made right. …Coach Jerry
L. During The Event, Whiplash347:
Gesara = 1000 yrs of peace, no more wars. This is why the tunnels are being bombed too apart from rescuing children & killing Chimera's. This is why all private intelligence companies are being removed from existence. Ie Mossad/ CIA & 5 Eyes. Only intelligence staying is military. This is why we are moving away from Oil, Gas & Fuel to Tesla Wireless Technology. This is going to be dramatic. No more George of the Jungle styles, Tesla Wireless Technology.
Planes & Trains grounded
Lights/Power switched off as we change over to Tesla Free Energy.
34 satanic buildings & dams bombed.
Bitcoin Servers turned off
99.5% of Crypto gone China Coins.
WW3 Scare Event. Nuke Sirens
Water Event.
Stock Market Crash
Global Martial Law.
CASTLE ROCK - Scenario
Quantum Systems. Project Odin Switched on.
Election Flipping via FISA Military Courts
Military Tribunals/Confessions/10 day movie. (3 × 8 hr Sessions)
Many immigrants will return home to their lands to build and rebuild under newly Blockchain Elected Non Tyrant Governments 10% the size of what they are now.
3rd World Nations under GESARA receive massive money to Build & Rebuild from years of Rape, Pillage, Genocide, War & Destruction.
Think Africa, Mid East, Asia & South America. They will be building these Continents & Nations up to being 1st World. To have what we have.
I am pretty sure the plan is to populate the entire world and one day in near future we become Inter-Planetary. See Elon & Mars.
So instead of Oil backed Currencies we move to using Precious Metals. I have always Mentioned Gold, Silver, Platinum, Paladium. Iridium & Copper. Add Rhodium too.
N. The Real News for Tues. 9 Nov. 2021:
Wikileaks: Moon Landing Cut Scenes in the Nevada Desert.
There is currently a major internet outage across the United States.
Breaking: The FDA has decided to use children in deadly vaccine experiments instead of Beagles.
Near Malta, where was the Queen when George lV died? Guess what date HMS QEll left Portsmouth on what is her first maiden voyage? 29 April 2021, they love this date! That vessel will take about 6-7 hours to get to Malta so if it arrives at 10pm tonight that would be 6pm EST. Listen to this then, this maiden voyage lasts 28 weeks, 28 weeks from 29 Apr 2021, wait for it, 11 Nov 21. I think we need to keep a close eye on this ship, this is the sign IMO!!
The stock trading platform of Robinhood has disclosed that last week its systems were hacked and millions of people had their personal details breached. Email addresses of 5MN customers (full names of 2MN others) - names, DOBs, zip codes. The company does not believe that social security or bank numbers were exposed. The hackers allegedly demanded a Bitcoin ransom.
New COVID-19 vaccine mandates went into effect Monday in Los Angeles — prompting large crowds of local firefighters, law enforcement and other city workers to gather outside City Hall and protest, as they can lose their jobs if they are not fully vaccinated. Thousands protesting vaccine mandates in Los Angeles today. "We will not comply"
Supreme Court Justice K was our marker. 8 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices have been El Rona'd. Only Justice Thomas remains. Revenge on Biden incoming. (Whiplash347)
Thousands swarm NZ govt building in Covid protest. Scuffles reportedly broke out near New Zealand’s ‘Beehive’ government building as around 3,000 anti-Covid restriction protestors forced the parliament’s largest security response in almost 40 years, according to House Speaker Trevor Mallard. Protest against COVID-19 measures and restrictions outside Wellington Parliament in New Zealand.
Lithuania declares state of emergency on the border with Belarus, effective from midnight.
Chicago, Illinois: Reportedly a couple of hours ago -- approximately 50 people fighting each-other and also with police.
Newsmax: Kamala Harris officially has the LOWEST approval rating of any Vice President in U.S. history at 28%, according to new USA Today poll
Germany: 12-Year-Old Child Dies TWO DAYS AFTER TAKING PFIZER VACCINE in Germany – Officials Pull Back on Mandatory Shots for Children.
"I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the Covid‐19 vaccines." US doctor Patricia Lee, to CDC and FDA. https://twitter.com/fredpawle/status/1457457732810776582?s=12
O. Joe Biden Public Confessions:
Biden confessed before the 2020 Election, “We have put together the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in the history of politics (and you guys did it for the Obama Administration also”): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MA8a2g6tTp0
The Ukraine claimed Biden stole billions from their country: https://4gunner.com/ukraine-press-release-about-joe-biden/
Biden bragged about blackmailing the Ukraine prosecutor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA–dj2-CY
Biden confessed that he didn’t need our votes to get elected, and he was right: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icUaWOFi3CY
P. Who and What were Corrupt?
Trump said the DOJ is corrupt. Not Sessions. Not Barr
🎯Trump said the FBI is corrupt. Not Wray
🎯Hell. We all know CIA is cabal. Who served as the Director of the CIA in 2017 to 2018? Pompeo. Is he corrupt?
🎯Who was on the External Advisory Board of the CIA when Pompeo was in charge? Bill Barr
🎯U think Wray, Sessions, Barr, Pompeo etc all have A LOT of Crucial Information on just about everything? Of Course.
🎯The Public (Trump supporters) hated Sessions, Barr, and Wray. Which immediately told me they were good guys (or At least playing for Team Trump).
🎯How do u win in Vegas? U bet against the public. This has nothing to do with what we see. It’s all about what we don’t see.
Q. Who is John Huber?
John Huber is a veteran trial attorney and statured leader in his field with over 26 years of litigation experience handling numerous trials at every level of state and federal court
Attorney for the District of Utah from 2015-2021. John was the longest-tenured active U.S given the high-profile task U.S Attorney John Huber was assigned by former U.S Attorney General Jeff Sessions in November 2017. You would think the name Huber would be well-known by now. John Huber and John Durham: The Forgotten U.S Attorneys Who May Bring the Deep State Crashing Down With the Mueller investigation over and the mainstream media still obsessed with how Attorney General William Barr is handling the Trump/Russia hoax on the American people, it could be that the real. Remember US Attorney John Huber?? He was appointed by then Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into the Clinton Foundation, and when it was revealed that he did practically nothing, his investigations were turned over US Attorney John Durham as part of his review into the origins of the Russia probe.
John Huber E-Mail pdf's:
R. Saudi Arabia Connection, (Q, The Storm Rider):
The Marker I was told was to watch Saudi Arabia Bin Salman sweeping arrests. Those arrests were connected to the Obama/Vatican Cabal and the dominos needed to fall as they connected the world. The Obama/Vatican Cabal were blocking many chain events that needed to happen in order to move the White Hats to take control over the Middle East Deep State operations: The Money/ Human Trafficking/ Drug Trafficking of the Chinese Communist Party.
Now last Saturday Saudi Arabia’s Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) reportedly arrested 172 govt employees on corruption, bribery and abuse of power charges - including staff from the Ministries of Defense, National Guard and Foreign Affairs. Nazaha announced that it had conducted over 6,000 oversight visits which led to 512 investigations and the arrests of 172 people in just one month. The agency has also set up an electronic service for anyone to report alleged misdemeanors.
It all began when the U.S. Military Intel Battalion + 45 saved the Saudi Crown Prince during the Last Vegas shooting. The Las Vegas shooting was a cover to kill the Prince Mohammed Bin Salman (who owns and controls over 2000 of the largest investors in the social media world/ Facebook/ Google/ Twitter/ YouTube and the oil industry). After Trump saved his life from the Obama/ CIA/ Mossad/ Cabal/ Vatican group assassination attempt (his own royal family was involved), the Crown Prince dedicated his life and loyalty to Trump.
After Bin Salman was saved by 45 and U.S. Military he began a purge of his country and child trafficking. He arrested his own family for the assassination plot. This world military operation involves over 30 countries that will take apart it’s Deep State Cabal ruined governments. The Deep State knew the Alliance operations were coming so they released the Bio-weapons and started to stress the world into Deep State control and Mockingbird operations.
Bin Salman gave Trump the Leader's sword during the Saudi Sword dance (no other outside person has touched the royal sword within the Royal family). 35 Saudi Princes and 300 officials were arrested directly after the Sword Ceremony. This is the most important Flip in history, gaining the Balance of Power. It had been worked on since 2012 behind the scenes. Flipped in 2017. It applies to the Internet. +++ = Saudi Arabia ++ = Rothschilds + = Soros. Trump is waiting for a perfect moment to use this power.
S. Situation Reports
T. An Old World is Crumbling …Mary Allison
An old world is crumbling, let it.
The agenda is becoming painfully obvious, let it.
People are questioning fabricated lies they've been told, let them.
Others are achingly intertwined in a dark domain of inverted reality - let them be.
Even as the matrix slowly collapses, it still uses mind games and manipulation to distort the truth, let it.
Allow the old reality to crumble – the disproportionate ideologies of Rome to fall. Let an inorganic reality built on global pessimism and materialistic addiction collapse. There is an organic process trying to emerge... let it.
Those who have awakened from the Matrix will not find salvation in desperately attempting to prove the Matrix to itself. Let the Matrix reap its own karma, its life cycle unwind, as it has no choice but to reveal itself through clumsy missteps of parabolic paranoia and pathological persuasion. Allow those who have a trauma bond with the Matrix, to fall in love with systemic deceit. Humans have to make mistakes to learn. Let them.
The time and focus spent detailing the corruption and mechanistic means of a dying society, can be spent building and creating anew. No amount of psychoanalysis will cure or stop a broken system from dying. Let the old world meet its fate.
Be the doula for a new earth. You're infinite potential woven into the tapestry of a new timeline. You're free now, if you'd like to be. A new earth emerges, let it.
U. The Global Currency Reset – Restored Republic Operation was multi-faceted:
The Chinese Elders were composed of different multigenerational Chinese families living in the Philippines who over centuries, owned and held responsibility for around 90% of the world’s gold, lending it out to countries for establishment of their financial systems. There were five top Chinese Elders who were responsible for the Global Currency Reset and RV release of funds.
In 1914 the Illuminati Bloodline Families signed a 99 year lease on the Chinese Elder’s gold and then proceeded to illegally launder all of the US taxpayer monies through their privately owned Federal Reserve, IRS, Central Banks and corporations – Washington DC, City of London and the Holy See in Vatican City. That was the system changed with the Global Currency Reset.
The Illuminati, Cabal, Deep State or Black Hats gained their power over peoples of the globe by worshipping Satan through pedophilia and child sacrifice. The Cabal was composed of 13 Illuminati Bloodline Families including the Habsburg family. Below them were the Black Jesuit Pope Adolfo Nicolas and his six generals, Pope Francis and 350 personnel in the Vatican including former Jesuit Secretary General Peter Hans Kolvenbach. In turn the Jesuits were part of most governments and in cooperation with the Freemasons have infiltrated every intelligence agency in the world with Masonic leaders, making them puppets that carried out Jesuit orders. Other Cabal leaders were Mafia heads including Khazarian mob leaders, Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Fascists, royal families of Europe including Queen Elizabeth, the Netherlands and Spanish Royals. The Cabal extended to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Zionists, Globalist and Political Elites, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderberger Group, Council of 300, UN, Council of Trent, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Knights of Malta, CIA, FBI, NSA, ASIO, M15, M16, NCIS, FSB, DGSF and the Mossad.
The Alliance or White Hats was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, White Hats in the Department of Defense headed by Secty of Defense Chris Miller, Undersecty of Defense Intel Ezra Cohen Watnick and Gen. Michael T Flynn; Q force (composed of around 800 special ops who advise President Trump including Pentagon Generals Vice Chief John Hyten, US Marine Gen. David Berger, Chief of the Army Gen. James C. McConville, Chief of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Chief of Naval Operations Gen. Michael M. Gilday, Gen. James McConville, Gen. Paul Nakasone and Gen. Jay Raymond), QAnons (volunteer Patriots headed by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, General Flynn and JF Kennedy Jr, who is Q. JFK Sr. was believed to be Q+, although some say Q+ is Donald Trump), the National Security Agency headed by our present Acting US President Richard Grenell who, with the US under Martial Law, was running military operations in Washington DC and various militaries across the globe, including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.
BRICS was an alliance of the nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa formed in 2008 after the so-called US “Mortgage Crisis.” In reality the crisis happened when the Cabal continued to print fiat US Dollars while being in bankruptcy and unable to even pay interest on gold borrowed from the Chinese Elders which backed that US Dollar, the basis for international trade. In the ensuing years since BRICS formed, they evaluated gold and resources of 209 nations in preparation for a Global Currency Reset. After the GCR all countries currencies would be at a 1:1 with each other instead of relying on the fiat US Dollar for international trade.
Charlie Ward has worked and been friends with the Chinese Elders for over 15 years. He is head of the Global Currency Reset Team. He was highly trusted in the financial world and moved money around the globe for private clients ranging from the super-rich to different global governments. His team moved 650 planeloads of gold out of the Vatican tunnels and placed it back to the rightful owners at the US Treasury and other countries’ treasuries around the globe. He was presently moving monies, gold and valuables for countries and individuals in the Global Currency Reset. A lot of Ward’s info came from what he called the Four Walls of Power, which included the Chinese Elders, Alliance, Trump White House and Trump Redemption Team. He has been under a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) for the last several months and told what he could and could not reveal.
Nic Fleming received Intel from a Military Intel Contact who was part of the Trump Redemption Team. That team received Intel and orders for the GCR/ RV from President Trump, the Alliance and five top Chinese Elders.
V. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”
W. Satanic Holidays:
Help Save the Children: Dec. 22 Feast Day Winter Solstice and Dec. 24 High Grand Climax Da Meur Demon Revels were the next major Satanic Holidays. They were celebrated with sexual orgies and blood sacrifice of male and/or female victims of any age, though Dec. 24 was always an additional torture and sacrifice of a male baby and his mother in a Nativity Scene.
Please help children and teens forced into this mind bending worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you observed, especially around your neighborhood. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website: https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
Called To Rescue
A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked
855-646-5484 http://www.calledtorescue.org/
You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence: https://ourrescue.org/ https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end
If you have been affected by sexual abuse or violence, for help and support contact: US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453. UK: BBC Action Line
X. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children
It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy
Updates for the Week Prior:
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 9, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 9, 2021
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 8, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 8, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 7, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 6, 2021
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 5, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 5, 2021
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 4, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 4, 2021
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 3, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 3, 2021
Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 2, 2021
Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 2, 2021

To Verify Arrest Status, you have to listen to the Arrest Code being announced.
Track Arrests, CV Statuses, Resignations & Terminations = Comms
The Cabal & Military Are Using These CV Statuses To Secretly Communicate In Plain Site What Has Occurred To Certain Elites Behind The Scenes:
🔍 Self-Quarantined = House Arrest + Ankle Monitor
🔍 Self-Quarantined, CV Exposure = Detained + Questioned
🔍 Tested Negative 4 CV = No Confession = Military Tribunal + Fully Exposed + Executed
🔍 Tested Positive 4 CV = Confession + Deal = Rommel Death (Un-Exposed + Executed)