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Intel Notes - 11/13/2021

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Quote from the end of Update:


Judy Note:  "I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society."

The below "was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid."


Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 Nov. 2021

Compiled Sat. 13 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”


Let the Unsealing Begin.

Let the Declass Begin.

Let the World Witness the Truth.

We, The People – Justice Under the Law…Q


 “Things may seem crazy right now, but that is only because the truth is coming out and people are waking up. They are cracking down on us only because they know their time is short.” …Melania Trump

God Bless America & Patriotic Music - The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square - Bing video

Judy Note: When will the Global Currency Reset occur? Likely right after release of the Emergency Broadcast System, takeover by the Military of the Mass Media and announcement of Martial Law across the globe. When would that be? No one knows as it was dependent upon certain global Events happening.

What We Think We Know on the Global Currency Reset according to Intel from various credible sources as of Fri. 12 Nov. 2021:

Whiplash347: Why would Mr Pool posted 11 & then deleted it? Was it a clue that the 11th we’re looking for is on the Julian Calendar, not our present Gregorian Calendar? November 11th on the Julian Calendar will be November 24th. History Fact: On November 24, 1963 President Kennedy was lying in State. Coincidence?

A GCR Release Schedule has been published which could, or could not come to be dependent upon certain Events happening:

Tier 1 Payout began: Sunday Midnight 7 Nov. 2021

Tier 2 Payout began: Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021

Tier 3 Payout likely to begin:  Sat. 13 Nov. 2021

Tier 4 Payout likely to begin:  Wed. 24 Nov. 2021

On Mon. 8 Nov. Historic Bond payments started paying out and would continue through the end of Nov. 2021. Some CMKX folks received spendable money  


As of 9:30 pm EST Wed. 10 Nov. cleanup of the GCR had completed.

On Thurs. 11 Nov. 2,000 Bond Holders were starting to be paid out, including Zimbabwe Sheet Bonds. The payouts would continue through the end of the month.

Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) would not have to wait until bond payments ended before being notified of appointment setting.

A Tier 3 Paymaster was told they would begin receiving funds on Sat. 13 Nov. that would be liquid on Tues. 16 Nov.



A. Pandemic Quiz

Does anyone find it odd that 1.5 million cell towers went up while we were in lockdown?

Does anyone find it odd that the CV-19 symptoms are identical to radiation poisoning?

Does anyone find it odd that the creator of the PCR Test stated that the test “should not be used as a diagnostic tool”?

Does anyone find it odd that they were arresting people during the Pandemic for filming “empty hospitals”?

Does anyone find it odd that a journalist put up $1,000,000 to prove CV-19 exists and no one has won the challenge?

Just asking for a friend…Matt


B. News Highlights for Fri. 12 Nov. 2021:

  • Earth faces “INTERNET APOCALYPSE” warning after “cannibal solar storms” forecast. Over the next four years scientists expect significant magnetic radiation disruption from solar storms that apparently “cannibalize” each other to potentially cause havoc with the internet and other satellite communications. Power grids, aero plane communication systems and satellite networks could all be affected as the next solar activity peak approaches in 2025, with one study fearing an internet wipeout leaving a large portion of the globe without internet for months.


  • Food, Goods, Fuel Shortages, Supply Chain Armada: As of Thurs. 11 Nov. a record 164 ships were waiting to unload off the California coast. Marine Exchange has reported a new record of cargo ships left floating off the California coastline, waiting to unload containers onto the docks. The data shows the bottleneck getting worse. The record on 5 November was 159, up from 100 ships in mid-October. The crisis was evident even back in September with 60 vessels stuck waiting. The ports in question reportedly receive around 40% of all containers arriving in the US. It's estimated around the trucking industry is short of around 80,000 drivers.


  • John Durham: “Igor Danchenko has been indicted. What happened to Igor Danchenko will happen to everyone that had a role in the election fraud. Are you ready to finish what we started?” Judy Note: Igor Danchenko – a Russian analyst who was a source for the 2016 dossier of allegations about President Trump – was arrested and indicted for allegedly lying to the FBI.


  • Bitcoin has direct ties to Human Trafficking. Follow the Bitcoin to Find Victims of Human Trafficking. New Machine Learning Algorithms Will Trace Authors of Exploitative Advertising. A team of university researchers has devised the first automated techniques to identify ads potentially tied to human trafficking rings and link them to public information from Bitcoin — the primary payment method for online sex ads.


  • Ex-Barclays CEO Jes Staley exchanged 1,200 emails with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein that included unexplained phrases such as "snow white" (FT). Jes Staley has resigned from his position at Barclays earlier this month after a dispute with British financial regulators over how he described his ties with Epstein.


  • COVID/Vax Hoax: Bayer executive: MRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust.


  • Bill Gates Admits Coof Jabs Only Slightly Reduce Transmission.


  • In response to an attorney’s FOIA request, the US CDC admitted that it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.



  • Pfizer CEO Albert Burla says that he has not been vaccinated and is not going to do it because he is no longer at that age and is completely healthy.


  • An in-depth study of adverse reactions to certain batches of Covid-19 vaccines revealed that an extremely high number of adverse reactions and deaths have been repeatedly reported in relation to specific batch numbers of Covid-19 vaccines, and now further analysis shows that each state received completely different amounts of the most harmful batches. See article below.


C. The Real News of Fri. 12 Nov. 2021:

Iran-backed militants storm US embassy in Yemen and seize hostages: State Dept demands their release | Daily Mail Online.


Trump signed The National Quantum Initiative Act into Law in December 2018 and has the US Department of Energy on board.


Fermilab (FLB) is the company working with the US Department of Energy to launch the Quantum Internet.


Gmail was DOWN worldwide last night: Google's email service crashed for frustrated users around the world. According to


DownDetector, the issues with Gmail started at around 08:44 BST.


Paris protesters burn cars, set bank on fire over police brutality bill.


London’s bridges are falling down. It is unclear whom to blame—and what the reason is for the problem:

CNN returning to a 100% news channel after Major Merger. A "good number" of the "talent/staff" WILL BE LET GO to align with their new mission.


D. Obamas, Biden, Pope, Queen, Watergate, CIA, FBI, Child Services, Elites Into Child Sex Trafficking: Obamas, Biden, Pope, Queen, Watergate, CIA, FBI, Child Services, Elites Into Child Sex Trafficking | Politics | Before It's News (


E. Updates:

Fri. 12 Nov. Video: Situation Update: Trump Is Ready! Newsom Wakes Up At GITMO? CDC Admits Unvaxxed Don't Spread Covid, CDC Freudian Slip! Ally Carter Bombshell Interview: Raped By Obama, Michael, Biden! Tunnels! Getti! Closer To GESARA! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (


Thurs. 11 Nov. Video: Situation Update: Tyrannical Biden, Frankenstein-Fauci, QFS Intel, EBS, Project Looking Glass, Storm Rider, GESARA, NESARA! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (


Thurs. 11 Nov. Report: "Biden & Obama Raped Me"-Durham Going For The Jugular- Washington DC "It's a Go"- EBS- Panic & Pain | Beyond Science | Before It's News (

Thurs. 11 Nov. Report: Washington DC "It's a Go" Durham Going For The Jugular- "We're going to show you a new world"- Newsom's Child Porn Dungeon- EBS- Panic & Pain | Beyond Science | Before It's News (


F. Trump's Attorney Lin Wood on Q, Anons and Conspiracy Theorists:


"I know that this is the actual truth - Q exists. I know there are drops posted by Q. I know that, among other things, Q openly opposes pedophilia, child trafficking and satanic rituals involving children. I certainly agree with these positions published by Q. They affect our humanity. I want ALL those who have committed crimes against humanity to be identified and brought to justice quickly. I do not know who Q is. And you?


“I know that Anons exist. I understand that Anons are people who, especially on the Internet and in digital format, research the information contained in drops (drops, messages) of Q. Many of them legitimately express their conclusions from their research. Sounds legit to me. Do you agree?


“Let's face it. The term "conspiracy theorist" was a propaganda phrase created by the CIA (an integral part of the Deep State) in the 1950s to denigrate people who conducted research and analysis of known facts, and then legitimately expressed their conclusions. Their conclusions may be correct, they may be wrong. To me, this sounds like an active exchange of ideas, permitted and encouraged by the First Amendment. And for you?


“The CIA coined the phrase "conspiracy theorist" to falsely slander people and humiliate the TRUTH that many people revealed to the public. I hope this will help you better understand why the CIA and Deep State propagandists coined the phrase "QAnon conspiracy theorists". Don't give in to the enemy game. Reject enemy propaganda. Our enemy is a liar and a deceiver.

“Keep doing research. Keep connecting the dots. Draw your own conclusions and use your right to express these conclusions in accordance. Keep fighting."


G. World Awakening: “Did Americans unwittingly take part in the largest experiment ever conducted?”

Did Americans unwittingly take part in the largest experiment ever conducted in the real world? In-depth study of adverse reactions to certain batches of Covid-19 vaccines revealed that an extremely high number of adverse reactions and deaths have been repeatedly reported in relation to specific batch numbers of Covid-19 vaccines, and now further analysis shows that each state received completely different amounts of the most harmful batches.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is an American vaccine safety program jointly managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The program collects information through reports from doctors, nurses and patients about adverse events (possible harmful side effects) that occur after the introduction of vaccines to determine whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify the continued use of a particular vaccine.

Reports filed before October 15, 2021 were taken from the database, and they included all adverse reactions reported in relation to Covid-19 mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna, as well as injections of the viral vector from Janssen.

The graph below shows the percentage of adverse event reports relative to the number of doses administered in each state. The average adverse event rate is 0.09% / 9 adverse event reports for every 10,000 doses administered, and as you can see, the chart shows a completely different story about which states were most affected by adverse events caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

California now appears to be one of the least affected states when the number of doses administered is taken into account, while Indiana now appears to be the most affected state.

The 20 most harmful party numbers hit the state of Indiana. The worst batch number is 013M20A, attributed to Moderna mRNA injection, and to date it has turned out to be almost three times more harmful than the 20th most harmful batch number EN6201, attributed to Pfizer mRNA injection.


H. Part One “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"Those who do not fully know the situation felt it or know that there was an evil part of humanity that kept us in the dark. They have been using all possible means for centuries, it really has been for thousands of years. This enemy, a secret Satanic society called the Illuminati, has existed since the 17th century. And before that, it was the Roman Empire, an extension of which today is the Catholic Church. Today, many call it the Deep State or Cabal because they have bribed, threatened, killed or usurped people, churches and governments in order to maintain control over everyone on the planet. Of course, all people understand that this was done for the sake of power, money and control over everyone and everything on the planet.

In many published articles about the unbalanced financial statistics of the world, public articles say that the 1% controls 60% of the world's wealth. I have to enlighten everyone that 0.1% of the super-rich control 99.9% of wealth, and most of it is hidden in tunnels and deep underground military bases (DUMB) underground, about three, five and ten kilometers under our feet around the world. These places hidden from the world were used to hide their main "crimes against humanity" from the public eye, so that they could do their evil, almost without seeing it. This was done in order to keep the ordinary population in ignorance and ignorance.

Please understand that this "Greatest War in History" is a war completely different from the storming of the country's lands and its return. This is a war of information and penetration. This war is kept secret from the general population. They used behind-the-scenes deals, money, blackmail, threats and murders to support the evil will. But good people all over the world took a firm stand, and God's Will to free this planet from all evil was planned for millions of years. Darkness will turn into Light, as God's Will will forever stand for humanity. For one of the greatest laws of God is to have freedom of choice. For most of humanity, we were told lies from all sources to keep us in slavery, and even made us think that we have freedom in many countries, but we didn't have it, even in America. For even our great Constitution was usurped in 1871 and turned into a corporation owned by the Vatican, like all countries on the planet.

Two great documents have become truly precious: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. Of course, God or the Creator - the First Creator sent his son, Jesus or Yeshua (real name), to PREVENT the Earth from becoming too dark or evil and to help save it before the time of the "Great Awakening". This time is now and in the near future. The beginning of the "Great Transition in the history of mankind".

Understand, the real story is that the Roman Empire was transformed into the Catholic Church because the leaders of the fading Roman Empire needed a way to maintain control and used the Council of Nicaea, the real Son of God, to use the name of Jesus and the history of the dark side to maintain control of the planet.

Understand that people who do NOT have consciousness and still have a two-dimensional mind cannot think independently and need guidance.

The conscious mind thinks for itself, explores, guides itself.

The decisions taken at the Council of Nicaea in 321 AD were supposed to allow "to betray Jesus and begin to worship him." They decided which chapters or books should be allowed in the Bible and which should not. This led to a totalitarian Catholic Church that decided most things in Europe at that time; who was good and evil, who was supposed to be king or queen, until by the 1500s many groups separated from Protestant churches, as did many governments."

To be continued...

I. Part Two: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"The Catholic Church really ruled during the "Dark Ages" and committed many "crimes against humanity," including leading a 199-year war with crusades for its truth about who is right — Muslims or Catholics, about how they should worship the same God. It's the same in our time: shame on the pedophile priest who still commits the same crimes, and most of them are not prosecuted. Many priests had children born to nuns who were killed at birth, and there are many graves around some churches. This is part of the unholy true agenda of the Catholic Churches. In the highest layers of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, they worshipped Satan. The Romans learned about this from a small group they conquered many years ago. It was in order to get power and money. They really worship Satan. Plain and simple, if you do your own investigation.

Let's go back in time to the American Revolution. The war was won by farmers against the English Crown in 1776. Then the great Founding Fathers of America created two of the greatest documents for government in history, and everyone knows what they are. But the Crown of England was not going to release a large monetary income or land without further hostilities, hence the "war of 1812", when they burned the White House and one of the greatest documents in history. People should "wake up" from the fact that the European elite and the monarchy were NOT going to let America go, the next step was penetration. Therefore, in 1871, President Grant transfers power to the Illuminati and the Republic of the United States becomes a Corporation owned by the Vatican and governed by the Queen of England. See what B.A.R. is. It means "British Accreditation Register". He should tell you all about the "Maritime Law" in the American judicial system, independent of the Crown of England.

Next comes the "Federal Reserve System", which belongs to the Rothschilds and is not part of the American government at all. The federal government was bribed and usurped in 1913 to gain control of America's money by the Illuminati.

The Titanic was sunk to destroy the opposition to the Fed. Consequently, the Rothschilds and the Illuminati controlled the printing of the US currency, as well as how it was created and used.

All wars, including the Civil War, were created by the Illuminati. It is said that one member of the Illuminati predicted three world wars. Albert Pike showed in 1871 that a world led by the Illuminati would have three world wars in the future. We really had two. They made a big profit because their banking system supplied money to both sides. They got the desired results: they created great grief and harm in order to maintain control over the world's population. We can call the tragedy of 9/11 a false flag created by both Presidents Bush, the CIA, the Mossad of Israel and the owners of the twin towers themselves. More than six trillion dollars have been spent on fake terrorists who were hired to carry out tasks by the CIA and the Illuminati to go around the world and find a few people with bombs or weapons that could harm a few people. This war was to go on forever; that was their plan. So, the Third World War that Albert Pike was talking about was supposed to be a fake alien invasion with real anti-gravity ships with robotic Gray aliens inside the ships, and Special Forces were really operating on the ships that controlled the ships. The powerful Alliance has completely stopped this plan."

To be continued...

J. Part Three: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening

"Now we will talk about things that are difficult for many people to perceive - human trafficking, pedophilia and the production of Adrenochrome, as well as where it all came from. There was a great evil on this planet; the sacrifice of children by the Catholic Church and Satanic cults, as well as the murder of children for the sake of a chemical that prolongs their life, called Adrenochrome. Do you still think that these are stories from the Internet, born from scratch? In that case, you are wrong. It is here that they get the maximum profit, and the sale of drugs on planet Earth and beyond is an Adrenochrome. Adrenochrome is produced from the blood of a child, and the younger the child, the better. To get Adrenochrome, children are electrocuted to increase the quality of adrenaline, and then they kill toddlers to extract blood with more stem cells. Blood with a high content of adrenaline and human stem cells will preserve the youth of the blood drinker.

What is Adrenochrome? From a scientific point of view, it is a chemical substance that is produced in the human body during the oxidation of adrenaline. How is the chemical extracted? The potential victim is terrorized, thereby increasing the amount of adrenaline flowing through his body. Then she is killed, and the Adrenochrome is collected with a needle and syringe at the base of the back of the neck and spine. After collection, the chemical can be sold on the black market at exorbitant prices. Bring it to your consciousness; these are hidden REAL events on this planet. This is pure evil. They really existed out of sight on the planet all this time. The powerful Alliance stopped all this by September 2021.

The rescue of children from Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) over the past five years, which were used to make Adrenochrome, child sacrifice to the satanic cult of the Illuminati and for sex, was led by Special Forces of the Alliance. Pedophilia is the norm for many criminals of the Deep State - Hollywood celebrities, politicians around the world and even many royal families. Epstein's Island is proof of this, although there are still many places and islands where this happened.

Let's go back to the chronology of history, in the 1960s, President Kennedy was assassinated trying to dissolve the Federal Reserve System, and the Deep State killed him for it. Control over money and the media is their main weapon. There are thick notebooks: the Alliance has an exact scenario for the destruction of the Cabal. But it has been in full swing since the fake 9/11 terrorist attack. During this time, a Plan was developed. The alliance dates back to Howard Hughes and Nikola Tesla in the 1920s. The Q Team was formed by John F. Kennedy in the 1960s, and after his assassination, 200 US generals and admirals joined the Alliance and began implementing a Plan to destroy the Cabal of the Deep State. It has been in development for six decades, and the current Plan was created and modified with the help of the military and using quantum computers for future timeline scenarios.

The QAnon group of 200 loyal generals was concerned that Americans would be swept up in socialism.

After September 11, Group Q is plotting to win, no matter what the Deep State does to counter it. Understand, with Operation Mockingbird in the 1950s, created by the CIA, the Deep State controlled 90% of the mainstream media and major Internet companies. Know that they have been slowly destroying the image, reputation, and heart of conservative Republicans in the fake news media.

The Mafia media of the Deep State did the same with the QAnon group, which followed the drops (messages) of "Q" published on 4 Chan or 8 Chan from October 2017 to December 2020. People need to understand that this was a way to circumvent fake news, and to convey truthful information to the military and the public. President Trump was the first to announce "FAKE NEWS" to the public, which is just one of his main achievements."

To be continued...

K. Part Four: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening

"Trump's election in 2016 was a big victory for the good side. Trump's loyalty to the real people of the United States has dealt a serious blow to the Deep State. Hillary should have won. When the Dominion computer was launched, the Deep State believed that if 20% of the vote switched to Hillary, she would win the election. They just didn't understand how to wake up the American people to the same old shit that Hillary was offering. I've never seen so much dirt in an election, and Hillary paid for it, the American people were finally able to see through it.

Military action was necessary to cut off the snake's head as soon as possible, which happened even before Trump's inauguration, when 13 selected Illuminati families were destroyed.

Let me tell you about the first major measures taken by the Alliance, and these were multiple raids conducted simultaneously on December 24, 2016. Understand, President Trump was first elected on November 8, 2016. Trump met with military generals and admirals on November 9, 2016 to discuss the liquidation of the thirteen largest families of the world's most powerful mafia called the Illuminati. Know that President Trump was chosen by our great military, and Admiral Rogers met with him in 2014 to convince him to run. Since Admiral Rogers was the head of the NSA (National Security Agency), he knew that Trump was clean and without corruption.

Let's go back to the first raid, which determined the direction of the planet - to Light (Good) or darkness (evil). All members of these families lived in Venice, Italy. Why it was the perfect time to destroy the best families. It was the last day of the three-day Satanic festival, and the Alliance knew that they would all be at home. The military knew that the culmination of the ritual was the sacrifice of a child; then the criminals were vulnerable.

The Alliance has assembled the best Special Operations teams, Delta Forces and Navy Seals.

All the leading criminal clans were to be liquidated that night, and no operation could fail. The fate of the whole world depended on these operations that night. All operations were successful in a miraculous way. Many thanks to the military who participated in this wonderful operation. I hope that they will be honored and the world will eventually see a film about this most important part of human history.

You should also learn about the evil underground shelters for Illuminati operations. Worldwide, there are more than 3,500 Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS) with 10,000 miles of Mag-LEV trains in tunnels built by the Illuminati connecting most of the major DUMBs for the trafficking of children, people, drugs and the production of Adrenochrome. The mighty Alliance has been destroying tunnels and DUMBs really since the 1980s, but the real push has been given since President Trump first took office.

Gene Decode (blogger-decoder of encoded intelligence — approx. trans.) for many years informed all of us about the progress of the destruction of tunnels and DUMBs around the world, by the nature of earthquakes that occurred at a depth of about 3, 5 and 10 kilometers around the world. His "transcripts" were perfect to keep up with the secret war with the Illuminati. What is the proof?

Well, an ordinary earthquake has P&S waves in the signal; a tactical nuclear bomb used to blow up tunnels wouldn't do that. The bomb blast has only one wave, so you can notice the difference. When they are exactly at these depths, it is clearly not a fake. In addition, we would get earthquakes at negative depth, which means that the explosions occurred in the Earth's atmosphere, these were disguised anti-gravity Illuminati ships that were destroyed by Alliance weapons as soon as they tried to escape. Recently, geysers with salt water started working in the center of Greece, because there used to be a Mag-Lev railway tunnel destroyed by the Alliance forces."

To be continued…



L. Part Five: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening

"At some point, during the dismantling of tunnels and DUMBs, the Alliance lost about 200 commandos in an underground tunnel near Iceland. They thought that the agents of the Deep State were going to surrender, but as soon as the Alliance forces got there, they detonated bombs and everyone who was there, including themselves. We need to pay tribute to their great sacrifice.

The real reason for the Notre Dame fire was to stop the child sacrifices that were supposed to happen over the Easter weekend. The Alliance warned the people inside to take valuables out of it, and five days before Easter Sunday, the Alliance hit it with DEW (Directed Energy Weapons - Laser Weapons) from a space satellite or a USAF TR3B anti-gravity ship. This happened on April 15, 2019 and was a major victory in the secret war with the Illuminati. It was a warning to the Vatican to stop all child sacrifices. Later I found out that about 600 children were planned to be sacrificed that weekend to try to resurrect Lucifer himself in the body. Don't you think this could happen in reality? Ask yourself again and explore the question."

To be continued...

M. Part Six: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told” World Awakening

"Biden didn't win the election in 2020, it was a major fraud that Trump and the Alliance allowed to happen, not only to arrest people who had been doing this for decades, but also to never let it happen again. This should be revealed to the American people and the world, because it has been going on for hundreds of years in every country.

President Trump actually won with 80.4% of the real votes, also tracked by QVS (Quantum Voting System). This will soon become known in the near future, and President Trump will take office again, and in a solemn atmosphere. As soon as the EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is activated.

We know that Biden has indeed just sworn in the old American corporations that Ulysses S. Grant allowed the Illuminati to create in 1871.

The original Constitution was changed by these traitors. Currently, the fake corporation has gone bankrupt and ceased to exist, many patriots do not know this.

The fake Biden is president of absolutely nothing but 10 square miles of the District of Columbia, which is not really part of America.

About 80% of members of Congress were arrested and charged, as were all members of the Supreme Court. The military determined that the two organizations (Congress and the Supreme Court) that allowed Biden to take office without due process of law were "hijacked organizations."

The Deep State threatens tactical nuclear weapons in the form of 6 suitcases if Biden is not allowed to take office. The Alliance did not allow Biden to have a Nuclear Football (a suitcase for controlling nuclear weapons) and any access to the Pentagon or the intelligence data of the NSA (National Security Agency) or the Department of Defense."

To be continued…

N. Part Seven: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"In early September 2021, Gene Decode reports that the Alliance controls the Cabal's tactical nuclear weapons. On September 21, the Ministry of Defense reports that it "discovered and neutralized 11 nuclear warheads of the Cabal, which they used as leverage to prevent their arrests."

It's over for the rats of the Deep State, do justice and arrest them, let the special forces descend on these bastards!

Understand, in our Constitution there is a way to make sure that the change of the so-called newly elected president is legal and lawful, the military had to seize power in the country, and by March 6, 2021, it was established that there was massive voter fraud, and the Ministry of Defense reinstated President Trump as commander-in-chief on March 11, 2021.

The Illuminati are behind the American seizure of power, and the CCP is infiltrating our government and seizing power. This has been in their plans for decades, because the US military is "aware" that the Illuminati are financing both sides of the war in order to benefit and cause enormous suffering to the population. The US military is no longer playing these games.

In the period from January to February 2021, the CPC allegedly had troops on the Canadian and Mexican border that were supposed to move to America after Biden took office, numbering from 250,000 to 300,000 troops. The CCP bought real estate in Oklahoma to deploy troops there. The Alliance fulfilled its threat to the Deep State to "destroy them" when the CCP troops passed through underground tunnels into New York State, and as we think to Pennsylvania, from the intelligence received. The first 25,000 Chinese soldiers were destroyed in an underground DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) by an F-16 bomber that dropped a bomb to destroy bunkers.

The F-16 was hit by counterstrikes and after release flew over Michigan, where the pilot ejected to safety somewhere in upper Michigan.

DUMB, which housed 50,000 soldiers, was a deeper tunnel, and the Alliance military used "God Rods" launched from a satellite, representing "shells in the form of tungsten steel telephone poles" that can penetrate to a depth of up to ten kilometers without using any explosive devices, the impact is enough to destroy at great depth.

According to sources, the Alliance forces took care of the Chinese troops on the border of Mexico and Canada many months ago.

The destruction of these underground DUMBs has been confirmed by several military sources."

To be continued…

O. Part Eight: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"The exact time of the battle of the Taiwanese and American troops with the CPC in mainland China is not known, but according to information received from a source from the government of Taiwan, it was in early February 2021.

We know that an American carrier group was operating in the South China Sea, and an air-to-air battle really took place, and on that day the Red Air Forces of China suffered many losses. We know that three US Navy carrier groups (about 100 ships) were off the Western Pacific Coast and two US Navy carrier groups off the eastern Atlantic coast at some point in time to protect our borders.

The Alliance forces had clearly destroyed tunnels and DUMBs under mainland China months before; the information is taken from reports and updates on so-called earthquakes that occurred at a depth of ten kilometers, and Jin Decode knows that the destruction of underground evil shelters took place during decades of major criminal activity by Deep State operatives. The leader of the Alliance of Canada (Romana Didulo — approx.trans.) confirmed that the CPC is kaput, as she says. That was two months ago. She also stated on 09/22/2021 that if you report that there are Chinese troops in Canada now, you will be arrested so that you go there, which she calls a spa. (SPA = Military Firing Squad/Hanging)".

To be continued…


P. Part Nine: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"The container ship Evergiven, stuck in the Suez Canal in March 2021, was a major victory for the Alliance.

The powerful Alliance stopped many things on the way to their destination, including: weapons of mass destruction (nuclear and biological weapons), adrenochrome, aborted fetal tissue of infants for use in vaccines, and live babies in ship containers. All containers were searched on the ship by Alliance Special Forces. The Evergreen ship stuck in the Suez Canal is stuck there to uncover many things, including child trafficking. More than 1,245 children were rescued in containers on this ship. About 1,200 children were also found dead in the containers. This is the Illuminati's worldwide human trafficking system.

The navigator of the ship was a member of the Alliance, and the "holes" in the Microsoft software allowed the Space Forces to hack the ship's software, take control and run it aground. He also transported WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction). Many other ships that were blocked were carrying weapons to start a war in the Middle East, the weapons had to be handed over to Muslims by the Israeli Mossad.

The plan is to reveal everything in the news. The Deep State is losing 400 million an hour due to stuck ships, have you heard? With this and 10 days of truth on TV, as soon as EBS is activated, everyone will know about child trafficking and crimes against humanity, evil and real.

The Alliance's special forces were used to search for and prevent any Deep State cargo, as the Clintons were co-owners of the Evergreen shipping lines.

From about April to September 2021, Myanmar and Afghanistan are now under the control of the Alliance, they burned the entire "Poppy Field" there, which was the main source not only of the illegal drug trade. Gene Decode also revealed a 50% content of all Big Pharma drugs using opium and oil derivatives in their tablets. How sick are these rats of the Deep State.

Afghanistan is currently the first country in the world free of the Deep State. The reason why America had to leave Afghanistan was to comply with the NESARA/GESARA laws prohibiting the presence of foreign troops on the territory of someone's country. Remember, the peace agreement is all over the world."

To be continued…


Q. Part Ten: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told,” World Awakening

"The last major push for the Illuminati was to create a fake Covid-19 crisis and vaccinate everyone with the aim of reducing the world population to 500 million worldwide for their final control push. It will tear them to pieces. EBS will tell you everything about Covid-19, many doctors, nurses and real researchers have a lot of information on the Internet in the form of articles or videos. Simply put, Covid-19 is a bacterium, and it can be easily cured with Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine.

In addition, vaccines are a poison with a lot of harmful chemicals inside, they slowly kill you, the more injections you get, the closer you are to death!

Be aware that medical professionals promoting this "experimental chemical mixture", which is NOT a vaccine, will be prosecuted in the international judicial system "Nuremberg 2.0" in the future.

Understand, the patient NEEDS to be informed that any medication or injection is EXPERIMENTAL, otherwise the caregiver may be charged with this crime and he will be held accountable.

Understand, arrests have been going on for the last five years, and military tribunals are continuing all over the world. By September 2021, 2.7 million Cabal members had been executed.

With regard to the security of money and every person's finances, there will be a complete takeover of the Planet's finances — this is QFS (A Quantum Financial System that cannot be hacked. Everyone in the world will have an account in this system. To reset, GCR (Global Currency Reset) and RV (Currency Revaluation) will be reset, countries that have been completely unfairly devalued, such as Iraq, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. More countries will be involved, but these are just examples."

To be continued…


R. Part Eleven: “The Greatest War Story Ever Told – the final one.” World Awakening

"What awaits us in the near future?

EBS will be included in the coming months, none of us knows the exact date.

From this moment, the final destruction of the Deep State rats around the world will begin.

That's why Lin Wood announced that everyone should stock up on food for three to four weeks for their family. The Alliance will use the weapons of the Space Forces to completely cut off electricity, cell phones, and the Internet. In large cities, Alliance forces will use a complete shutdown, perhaps even for two weeks, to get rid of them and capture them, or to stay in the shadows and track them inside the military quarantine zone to their hideouts. The Alliance already knows who they are. Understand that in most areas with a very small number of Cabal members, for example, in rural areas or small towns, there will probably be no interruptions in services.

Gene Decode used Melbourne, Australia, as a city with a strong power of the Deep State. Expect tougher ways to corner these rats on these strengths. In America, we know Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and New York as possible strongholds. The alliance will be there to impose martial law around the world and surround the rats of the Deep State, as Roman Didulo says, "Unmarked planes (without the flag of the country) are our/allied forces."

For the New Earth, humanitarians will pave the way to restore the planet with the help of technologies that have been hidden, and stop hunger, poverty, so that no one is left homeless and so that children will never suffer again.

We will do it with zero-point energy; a way to get free energy, hydrogen or electricity, food replicators, anti-gravity technology and medical beds or sky capsules to heal all human diseases. No one will be left out on the planet, and everyone will share the wealth and abundance of this great planet.

The first major transition of the planet will occur in the next three to six weeks (obtained from various sources), but the exact time is unknown. We know that this is an important transition period for humanity.

In the statement of the first Creator of "Crimes Against Humanity and Children" there is the phrase "Enough is enough." For God will always prevail over Darkness, because the "Greatest War in History" on planet Earth is the victory of Light over Darkness. EBS will reveal the crimes of the Deep State against humanity, humanity will weep.

This is the "Great Awakening."

But with this information, we will understand that humanity has reached the next stage of evolution in order to become closer to God, and to learn the truth about what happened, to learn more about hidden technologies and the truth about the Galaxy and other worlds. For humanity is the beginning, a big step towards what is really real and true. For in this way God will illuminate humanity with Light and allow the truth to be told. The war against darkness has been won! May Freedom reign throughout the cosmos, and may the light of God shine for everyone!

God bless you!"


S. “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,” by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele


Jenny Hill’s witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite:

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators worshipping Satan appeared to be organized from the US Inc’s CIA, Queen Elizabeth’s, Illuminati Banking families’ and Vatican’s Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset. It’s no wonder that President Trump has stated, “These people are sick.”


T. Satanic Holidays:

Help Save the Children: Dec. 22 Feast Day Winter Solstice and Dec. 24 High Grand Climax Da Meur Demon Revels were the next major Satanic Holidays. They were celebrated with sexual orgies and blood sacrifice of male and/or female victims of any age, though Dec. 24 was always an additional torture and sacrifice of a male baby and his mother in a Nativity Scene.

Please help children and teens forced into this mind bending worship of Satan by reporting to legal entities any Satanic activities you observed, especially around your neighborhood. Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments, cover your tracks by also contacting U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:



Called To Rescue

A non-profit which rescues children who have been abused or trafficked


You Can Anonymously Report Trafficked and Abused Children

If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking, contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization, Saving Innocence:


If you have been affected by sexual abuse or violence, for help and support contact: US: Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-422-4453. UK: BBC Action Line


U. The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA was all about the Children

It’s not about the money. It’s about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world. The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites. Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:

Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites. It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/ exchange appointments.

After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email, post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days, so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.

This is not a goodbye. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.

A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what’s really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy


Updates for the Week Prior:

Restored Republic via a GCR as of November 12, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 11, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 11, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 10, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 10, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 9, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 9, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 9, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 8, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 8, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 7, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 6, 2021

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of November 5, 2021

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of November 5, 2021

Nov 8 thru 11 Protest.jfif

To Verify Arrest Status, you have to listen to the Arrest Code being announced.

Track Arrests, CV Statuses, Resignations & Terminations = Comms


The Cabal & Military Are Using These CV Statuses To Secretly Communicate In Plain Site What Has Occurred To Certain Elites Behind The Scenes:
🔍 Self-Quarantined = House Arrest + Ankle Monitor
🔍 Self-Quarantined, CV Exposure = Detained + Questioned
🔍 Tested Negative 4 CV = No Confession = Military Tribunal + Fully Exposed + Executed
🔍 Tested Positive 4 CV = Confession + Deal = Rommel Death (Un-Exposed + Executed)

Covid Codes 2.jpeg

Plan to Save the World - Part 1

Plan to Save the World - Part 2

Plan to Save the World - Part 3

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